1941 Posters
"Face" of Hitlerism by Deni V. N.
Babbler is a godsend for a spy by Radakov A. A.
Be a hero! by Koretskiy V. B.
By steel avalanche we shall crush an enemy! by Odintsov V. G.
Do Not Gossip! by Vatolina N. N., Denisov N. V.
Each strike of a hammer is a strike against the enemy! by Deni V. N., Dolgorukov N. A.
Expose enemy under any mask by Torich L.
For 38 million ton of oil and gas in 1941! by Goreliy P. P.
Glory to the heroes of World War II! Glory to the Stalin's Falcons! by Vandishev P., Torich L.
Have you helped the Front? by Moor D. S.
Help the Red Army to catch spies by Vandishev P.
Join the rows of the people's Territorial Army! by Sittaro A. G.
Made their sign of four gallows by Moor D. S.
More metal - more weapons! by Avvakumov M. N.
On the ground and the above ground with a loop will foes be bound! by Sokolov-Skalya P. P.
Our forces are numberless by Koretskiy V. B.
Our land is known by bogatyrs (epic heroes) by Govorkov V. I.
Our people and army are invincible! by Koretskiy V. B.
Partisans, beat the enemy without mercy! by Koretskiy V. B.
Proud of my son! by Govorkov V. I.
Ramming is a weapon of heroes! Glory to the Stalin's Falcons - a suppressor of Fascist Vultures. by Voloshin A.
Ruthlessly crush and destroy the enemy by Kukryniksy
Splendidly and desperately do we fight — the ancestors of Suvorov and Chapayev do it all right! by Kukryniksy
That's how it was... That's how it will be... by Dolgorukov N.
The heroic images of our ancestors should inspire you in this war! by Ivanov V. S.
The Motherland Calls by Toidze I. M.
The people's revenge the foe won't escape! by Rabichev I. B.
To Moscow: Hah! From Moscow: Oh! by Deni V. N.
Transport is the brother of the Red Army by Gromitskiy I. I.
We shall defend Moscow! by Zhukov N. N., Klimashin B. S.
We'll take your shift! by Serov V. A.
Will not give up the attainments of October! by Avvakumov M. N., Scheglov V.