1926 Posters
Cigarettes "Cannons" by Zelenskiy B. A.
Emancipated women, help build socialism! by Strahov-Braslavskiy A. I.
Flea (Theater) by Kustodiev B. M.
Journey to Mars by Prusakov N. P., Borisov G. I.
Products of Mosselprom by Tarhov D. M.
Proletarian people, participate in Soviet elections! by Unknown Artist
Stop beating and punishment of children in a family by Fedorova A.
The Battleship Potemkin. 1905 by Lavinskiy A. M.
The Mother by Bograd I. D.
The sixth part of the world by Stenberg V. A., Stenberg G. A., Naumov A. I.
Tram Advertisement. It is read everyday by million of people by Bulanov D. A.
Working women, join under the banner of the VKP. Long live to the International Working Womens` Day by Unknown Artist