Soviet Art Me

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M.I.Glinka. Life for the Tzar . Opera by Ilin V.

Made their sign of four gallows by Moor D. S.

Make a hooligan to answer for his actions! by Mosin A.

Manage skillfully! by Govorkov V. I.

March 8th is a celebration day of female workers around the world by Mitnikov-Kobilin

Mechanize Donbass by Deineka A. A.

Milkmaid, let's achieve rich yield of milk of each forage cow! by Zelenskiy B. A.

Millions of kilowatts to the Motherland! by Kokorekin A. A.

More metal - more weapons! by Avvakumov M. N.

Moscow Festival of Theater by Zhukov N. N., Saharov S. G.

Moscow-Volga Canal is open! by Elkin V. N., Kun G., Sobolevskiy K.

Most business-like, neatest (GUM's Advertising) by Mayakovskiy V. V., Rodchenko A. M.

Mothers, do not abandon children! by Soborova A. S.

Move whole family to new places by Govorkov V. I.

Muhtar, Come! by Ostrovskiy V. I.

My beauties are the best! They will make me proud at the exposition! by Savostuk O. M., Uspenskiy B.A.

My first steps for a cookie Einem by Unknown Artist

My happiness relies on your success! by Koretskiy V. B.

My student! by Govorkov V. I.

Myth and Reality by Slepuhin V.